- Cucumbers
- Plant & Soil: Long trailing, suitable for pandel cultivation, high yielding. Days to Harvest: 50 to 55 Days. Fruit Av. Length: 16-22 cm. Avg. weight: 150-200 gm. Quality: Light green color with small spine on fruit surface. Season: Kharif. Seed rate: 500 – 600 gm/acre.
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- Cucumbers
- Plant & Soil: Very early and high yielding varity. Days to Harvest: 28 - 30 Days. Fruit Av. Length: 15-16 cm. Avg. weight: 150-160 gm. Quality: Crispy and tasty. Season: Pre-Kharif and Kharif. Seed rate: 400 – 500 gm/acre.
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- Pumpkin
- Plant : Vagarious growth, long creeper, with branding habit plant. Days to Harvest: 80 - 90 Days after seed showing. Avg. Fruit weight: 8-10 kg. Quality: Skin are blackish green, bright red colour thick flesh, flatfish round shape and tasty, good storeg capacity. Season: pre-Kharif & Rabi. Seed rate: 800-900gm./acre.
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