- Long Yeard
- Plant: Vigorous growth plant and early maturity. Days to Harvest: 45 - 50 Days of seed showing. Pod Av. Length: 50-55 cm. Quality: Deep green colour, smooth skin, 06-07 cm dia, red seed. Season: Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 1.25- 1.5 kg./acre.
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- Pumpkin
- Fruit : Flattish round shape, deep yellow flesh, dark green fruit. Days to Harvest: 80 - 85 Days after seed showing. Avg. Fruit weight: 4.5-6.5 kg. Quality: Good taste & fine texture. Season: 20-30° C Seed rate: 1-1.25 kg./acre.
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- Bitter Gourd
- Plant: Branching habit, High yielding, suitable for soil cultivation. Days to Harvest: 55 - 60 Days. Pod. Av. Length: 50 – 60gm Quality: Green round shape, broken spines, butterness fruit. Season: Pre-Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 3kg./acre.
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- Ridge Gourd
- Fruit : Long and with deep ridged. Days to Harvest: 50 - 55 Days of seed showing. Avg. Fruit weight: 200-220 gm. Quality: 35-45 cm length, attractive green colour. Season: Kharif Seed rate: 1-1.25 kg./acre.
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- Bottle Gourd
- Plant: Branching habit long trailing plant, high yeilding and suitable for both pandel as well as on soil cultivation. Days to Harvest: 50 - 55 Days of seed showing. Avg.Fruit Weight: 700-750 gm. Quality: Lattu & bell shape, attractive glossy green colour, 1-2 fruit per single node.. Season: Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 750 kg./acre.
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- Bottle Gourd
- Plant: Vigorous plant with high fruit set. Days to Harvest: 55 - 60 Days of seed showing. Avg.Fruit Weight: 2-2.5kg, and 30cm – 35cm, length. Quality: Attractive green colour, and marketable cylindrical shape. Season: Round the year. Seed rate: 750 kg./acre.
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- Ridge Gourd
- Plant : Creepers desi plant with good branching habit. Days to Harvest: 45 - 50 Days after Germinate. Avg. Fruit weight: 300-400 gm. Quality: 25-30 cm length, attractive green fruit. Season: Round the year. Seed rate: 3kg./acre.
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- Ridge Gourd
- Plant & Soil: Branching habit long trailing plant, high yeilding and suitale for both pandel as well as on soil cultivation. Days to Harvest: 45 - 50 Days after Germinate. Avg. Fruit weight: 300-400 gm. Quality: 40-45 cm length, attractive green strigh fruit. Season: Pre Kharif and Kharif. Seed rate: 3kg./acre.
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- Bringle
- Plant & Soil: Branching habit, Bacterial wilt highly tolerant, long harvesting period. Days to Harvest: 45 - 50 Days. Pod Av. Length: 12-15 cm. Quality: Shiny purple colour. Tasty & good and self life. Season: Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 100gm./acre.
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- Long Yeard
- Plant: Vigorous plant with open plant habit. Days to Harvest: 45 - 50 Days of seed showing. Pod Av. Length: 40-50 cm. Quality: Green to dark green, smooth skin & slender. Season: Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 1.25- 1.5 kg./acre.
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- Pumpkin
- Plant: Long creeping with excelent growth and suitable for summer season. Days to Harvest: 75 - 85 Days. Avg. Fruit weight: 4-5 kg. Quality: Deeply serried flatish round, red fleshy at ripending stage, fruit tasty, good storage. Season: Pre-Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 600-700gm./acre.
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